
epc project of thiruvalam 765kv (gis) substation in india

india thiruvalam substation project includes 6 bays of 800kv gis. this project is completed and connected with the grid on march 19, 2015. thiruvalam substation is chinese first overseas uhv gis substation. the one-time line energization marked the uhv equipment manufactured by chinese corporation firstly running successfully outside china. thiruvalam substation, as the first 765kv uhv gis substation constructed by pinggao in india, has a positive effect on connecting the north and south of india power grid, developing local economy and promoting the further cooperation between china and india.

the engineers from pinggao and indian owner are communicating

the layout of the indoor 765kv gis

the outgoing line gantry of thiruvalam substation

the one-timesuccessful line energization of thiruvalam substation
